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Synthroid 137 mcg price. We use this supplement for our animals but you can probably purchase it at most drug stores or health stores. Toxicological Properties: Carcinogenic: High rates of death and tumors have been seen in Cost of prozac canada mice that have been given this chemical orally No known toxic effect in the mammalian species which it has been tested (one of us used it ourselves) Mechanism of Action: Carcinogenicity: Not fully known, but the mechanism of action organosulfur compounds in this product is still not completely understood (we are doing many experiments to better understand this mechanism of action so we can better design our own dosing). There is one theory that the compounds act as potent phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) (phyto- and phyto-) neutralizers in the intestinal system. This would allow for the formation of much less these compounds in vivo - it would have the effect of reducing this accumulation PHA which would be beneficial from an toxicity standpoint. Sulforaphane: Not fully known, but this supplement has been shown in rats to increase glutathione and also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the colon; both are desirable health effects. Tetrahydrobiopterin: Not fully known, but given the ability of extract to enhance glutathione homeostasis at the cellular and sub-cellular levels, it is possible that this compound has anti-microbial and anti-tumoral properties. Potential Doses (per day): 200 mg (1 capsule) twice a day in fed state with or without food for 7 to 10 days. Potential Risks: The major risk associated with supplement is its potential to increase intestinal permeability, which could be dangerous if the liver is compromised (this has not yet been proven to occur in humans). Other possible risks include: Sulforaphane could cause carcinogenicity and increase cancer risk through the formation of PHA molecules in the liver of humans. PHA is already involved in many aspects of cancer and may lead to other carcinogenic activities. Sulforaphane does not have any known effect in the kidneys - so even if there is intestinal damage, it does not lead to kidney damage. Phytoestrogens have multiple effects beyond the ones described above, although we believe a lot is still unknown about this compound. For example, phytoestrogens can cause hormone disruption in rodents, which may result the development of unwanted metabolic side effects, such as abnormal lipid metabolism, increased risk of type 2 diabetes and increased risk of coronary heart disease. The safety profile in pregnant or lactating animals has not been defined; it is possible that some of the phytohaemagglutinin may interfere with normal hormone production, as has been reported in the literature. Because this is very new, more research needed to assess this effect. No studies have yet been done on pregnant women who have taken this supplement to assess the safety of a potential impact on gestation. In general, the potential of any food additive to cause health risks is minimal (the amounts ingested typically would far exceed typical daily intakes). The potential for side effects in excess of those usually seen in food additives is likely to be minimized when this supplement is used as a food supplement. The one study that was done (that not conducted as an FDA-approved study) on the use of phytoestrogen in this animal supplement showed that only 1% of the rats supplemented in this study became azoospermic - the term used for death of brain stem neurons, and they became azoospermic at a significantly higher than normal dose of sulforaphane. Pregnancy/Lactation: No studies to date have been done in pregnant or lactating women who have used this supplement. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, we recommend you contact your healthcare provider before using this product. Adverse Reactions: Because of the potential complications organosulfur compounds, most likely related to liver injury, these agents have never been tested with any doses in humans. There are, however, a few instances in which animals have died a.

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